About Us

At home in Essaouira, Morocco

Brooke Beardslee | Co-Founder

Hailing from Michigan, Brooke spent her youth mostly in solitude dreaming of escape. Once she had her chance, she hit the road and hasn’t looked back. Education and work have taken her around the globe whilst, along with her fabulous children, called New York City home for 23 years. Now, sometimes gently, sometimes violently approaching her late 50s, Brooke feels she is the luckiest woman alive to be married to handsome, kind and charming Aziz, and together, realizing their dream of making a life in Morocco.

Aziz Takkal | Co-Founder

A perfect blend of English & Moroccan, Aziz was born and raised in South London. Childhood highlights included summers spent in Morocco. Every July the Takkals, and whatever space there was for the odd uncle or cousin, would cram into the family’s Opel Record Estate and drive for three days to Meknes. Eschewing hotels and restaurants, the family would cook and sleep by the road, which embarrassed Aziz, but looking back, he thinks his parents were pretty awesome and slightly bad-ass. After six weeks of fun and games in Meknes, the family would make the same trip home with plenty of nail-biting, sordid, and hilarious stories to make his gang of friends in London fairly jealous. Influenced like so many people around the world by silly 1980s American television, Aziz feels that he has struck gold with the formerly blond, big boned, American-accented and now acculturated Brooke.